
Propose/Vote for Manager/Agents

Shareholders with 100 shares in a club (>=0.001%) or 1,000,000 shares in a player (>=10%) can propose a new manager for a club or a new agent for a player. Once a proposal has been made, other shareholders have 24 hours to propose other candidates, unless the shareholder making the proposal has >50% shares, in which case the voting period begins instantly.
After the 24-hour proposal period expires, voting begins and lasts for 3 days or until a candidate receives >50% of the votes. All shareholders can vote for managers and agents irrespective of how many shares they have. Owning more shares gives you a more powerful vote. At the end of a voting period, the candidate with the most votes wins.
Proposing or voting for a manager/agent is done in the club/player overview under Vote.
Propose or vote for a new manager for a club
Propose or vote for a new agent for a player