
Submitting Actions (making moves)

Soccerverse is a true blockchain game with every part of it existing entirely on the blockchain, including every action (or move) that every user makes.
An action could be one or more of the following examples:
  • Changing your club’s tactics
  • Placing a bid on a player in the Transfer Market
  • Buying or selling shares
When you perform an action within the game, your MetaMask wallet will popup and ask you to confirm the move, i.e. submit the move to the blockchain as a transaction.
1. MetaMask will pop up a window or panel for you to sign. The contents are identical, but the presentation simply looks different.
1. The MetaMask mobile wallet automatically displays a confirmation dialog for you
1a. If MetaMask doesn’t create a popup for you, you’ll see a number badge on its browser extension icon and you’ll need to click that to display the popup shown above.
2. Click the Sign or Confirm button
2. Tap the Sign or Confirm button
3. If successful, your move goes through
3. If successful, your move goes through
High voltage with solid fill
Since signing is required for all actions, it is largely assumed that you now know this, and so the signing part of actions is left out of the instructions in the rest of this guide.