
Register a Xaya Name and Sign In

If you already have a Xaya name, follow steps #1 and #2 then skip to step #7.
To register a Xaya name (i.e. user account) and sign in:
1. Click the Sign In button in the upper right
1. Tap the Soccerverse hamburger menu button. Note that it is different from the MetaMask hamburger menu button at the top of the screen.
2. Click the Sign In button tab in the Sign In dropdown
2. Tap the Sign In menu item
3. In the Sign In popup, click the Register tab
3. In the Sign In popup, tap the Register tab
4. Enter a user name for yourself (do not use your email address or anything that should be private). Names are cAsE sENsITivE.
4. Enter a user name for yourself (do not use your email address or anything that should be private). Names are cAsE sENsITivE.
5. Click the REGISTER button then confirm the transaction in MetaMask
5. Tap the REGISTER button then confirm the transaction in MetaMask
6. Your name will appear momentarily. Click the Sign In tab.
6. Ignore any errors that you may see. Your name will appear in your MetaMask wallet momentarily. Tap the Sign In tab.
6a. If you don’t see your name in the list, wait a moment, then refresh the page with F5 or CTRL+F5
6a. If you don’t see your name in the list, wait a moment, then refresh the page through the MetaMask reload menu.
To do this, tap the ellipsis (3 dots - “...”) in the lower right of the screen, then tap the reload menu
7. Select a name in the names dropdown menu
7. Select a name in the names dropdown menu
8. Click the sign in button
8. Tap the sign in button
9. Confirm that you wish to sign in by clicking the MetaMask Sign button
9. Confirm that you wish to sign in by tapping the MetaMask Sign button
10. You’re signed in! Time to play the game!